Saturday, July 30, 2011

BP Shuttles offshore Platform Workers

BP sent workers back to three offshore oil and gas platforms earlier today in response to a shift in Tropical Storm Dan’s trajectory to the south. In the last week, hundreds of workers were evacuated from platforms in anticipation of the violent storm and the injury that it was expected to cause. Hundreds of evacuees may sound like a lot, but actually only 11 of the 679 manned platforms in the Gulf were evacuated.

Drilling oil in the Gulf of Mexico is dangerous business, as last year’s Deepwater Horizon blowout vividly showed. The risk isn’t just for the environment, of course, but for workers as well. Every year, platform and oil field workers are injured and killed as a result of the dangers in oil and gas exploration.

Do you have a loved one who works in the oil fields, either on land or in the Gulf? They should know the risks they face and their legal right to a safe work environment. If they’re injured, they should fight back! The Fears | Nachawati occupational injury experts can fight for their safety and secure the justice they deserve. For a free consultation, just call 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to Let us help!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

San Antonio Teen Charged With Racing

A 10-year-old is in a hospital because an 18-year-old thought it was a good idea to race his car through the streets of San Antonio. At the time of the accident, the 10-year-old was riding in a Ford Expedition with three of his siblings and his parents. The 18-year-old racer was travelling so fast that he injured the child, despite the fact that a Ford Expedition is one of the sturdiest cars on the road today.

Have you been in a car accident recently? You need to know all of the facts and how to ask the right questions. The driver that hit you may have been involved in reckless behavior, such as racing, that could increase his or her liability. What questions should you ask? To find out, talk to the Texas car accident lawyers at Fears | Nachawati. We’re ready to help you. For a free consultation, call 1.866.705.7584 or email

Monday, July 25, 2011

Distracted Driving kills Teen Driver

A teen driver in Houston died Wednesday night as a result of dialing-and-driving. The teen driver, who was talking on a cell phone while driving, misjudged the distance between himself and the car ahead of him. When he finally realized that he was about to plow into the back of the car in his lane, he swerved, overcorrected, and ended up in oncoming traffic. An approaching car in the other lane slammed into the teen's car. The reckless teenage driver, who wasn't wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident, died soon after the crash.

Distracted driving -- whether the distraction comes in the form of a phone call, text message, radio, or another passenger -- claims thousands of lives in Texas every year. Although the Houston teen tragically paid the price of his reckless behavior, often that's not the case. Too many times the person who is injured or killed is an innocent bystander who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Fears | Nachawati has provided legal counsel to dozens of car accident victims who were hurt as a result of negligent, distracted driving. If you’ve been injured, we understand the financial and legal challenges you face. Put our experience and expertise to work for you! For your free consultation, call 1.866.705.7584 or email

Monday, July 18, 2011

METROLIFT Client's Die In Tragic Accident Family seeks Attorney's Help

On Friday, two women suffering from kidney-related diseases were the victims of a tragic automobile accident on their way home from dialysis. The women, who were required to attend dialysis several times a week, had contracted with a medical taxi service known as METROLift to carry them to and from the hospital. In the wake of their loss, one of the victim’s family has already consulted with an attorney to determine their legal options, including filing a wrongful death lawsuit.

Fears | Nachawati knows the pain of a death in the family as well as the benefits and pitfalls of a wrongful death suit. If you’ve lost a loved to a negligent firm like METROLift, talk to us! We’re ready to help you through this difficult time. Call us at 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to We can help!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Braunfels Police put a Chill on Contraband Coolers

For many Texans, "floating the river," whether it’s the Guadalupe, the Comal, or one of the Hill Country's many other fast-flowing waterways, is a longstanding summer tradition. This year is unlike years past, however, as police throughout the Hill Country crack down on illegal activity on the river, particularly public intoxication and drug possession.

The New Braunfels Police Chief, for instance, reported to the city council recently that his officers have worked overtime this summer, arresting 220 people and writing more than 1,200 citations. By comparison, this summer's NBPD arrest totals are more than twice what they were last year and citations are up 132 percent. Experts acknowledge that this year's unusual drought is a big part of what's driving tourist traffic to the Hill Country. While other lakes and rivers are at record lows, the Comal, a spring-fed river, is flowing at its customary clip.

The additional traffic is generally good news for New Braunfels and the more than half billion dollars projected to flow into the community as a result of the relatively high-flowing Comal. That traffic is bad news, however, for the people wanting to float the river. More people will result in more congestion and, unfortunately, more accidents and injuries.

Are you planning on floating the river this summer? If so, you should be careful! You might be in control and know what you're doing, but that doesn't mean that everyone else on the river does, too. Hundreds of tourists are injured on the Hill Country's rivers every summer. If you're one of them this summer, talk to the legal experts at Fears | Nachawati who understand how to handle your claims. For a free consultation, just call 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to We can help you!

Friday, July 15, 2011

YPBA's 2011 Fashion Show Benefiting Childrens Autism Awareness

Saturday, July 16 · 7:30pm - 11:30pm

The Centrum Plaza (Penthouse Suite #1703) - 3111 Welborn - Dallas, TX 75219

Created By

More Info
Great Giveaways for EVERYONE!!!!!Gaming Tables for the men, Fashion Show for the ladies, Great Giveaways!

Meet the ever so lovely Ashley Melnick... Miss Texas America 2010!

...Fun experience that benefits a great cause... Autism Awareness.

Donations are greatly appreciated - please make checks payable to: Autism Treatment Center


Looking forward to a night filled of fun for such an amazing cause!


Cover: $10.00 @ The Door

Donations: At the Blackjack & Poker Tables and/or YPBA Booth!!!

About the Autism Society

Autism Ribbon-The Autism Society, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. We do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy.

Founded in 1965 by Dr. Bernard Rimland, Dr. Ruth Sullivan and many other parents of children with autism, the Autism Society is the leading source of trusted and reliable information about autism. Through its strong chapter network, the Autism Society has spearheaded numerous pieces of state and local legislation, including the 2006 Combating Autism Act, the first federal autism-specific law. The Autism Society's website is one of the most visited websites on autism in the world and its quarterly journal, Autism Advocate, has a broad national readership. The Autism Society also hosts the most comprehensive national conference on autism, attended by 2000 people each year. Our information and referral team, our program staff, and our strong chapter presence serve thousands of families each year who are searching for help in their journey with autism.

The Autism Society's national office is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland. We are proud to be one of the few organizations to have members with autism serving as active board directors. The Autism Society's Panel of Professional Advisors sets the standards for our Options Policy that governs our practices, and we are proud to count the top professional experts in autism on our PPA. The Autism Society's Advisory Panel of People on the Spectrum of Autism is a first-of-its-kind advisory panel comprised solely of individuals with autism, who help Autism Society staff create programs and services that will advocate for the rights of all people with autism to live fulfilling, interdependent lives.

Each year, people with autism, families and professionals volunteer thousands of hours to help the Autism Society achieve its mission of serving all those affected by autism. To each and every one of you, thank you.

Chrysler Recalls Nearly 250,000 Ram Pickup Trucks

Texas drivers should know that between 2008 and 2011 Chrysler produced nearly a quarter million defective Ram pickup trucks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a component near the left front wheel is dangerously succeptible to fracturing, resulting in the driver loosing control of the vehicle. Already several drivers and innocent victims have been hurt as a result of Chrysler's defective product.

Have you been hurt in a wreck with a Ram pickup? The law governing product liability is complicated. You need the Fears | Nachawati experts who understand how to defend your rights against tortuous manufacturers like Chrysler. Thanks to our experience and expertise, we're ready to fight for you. For a free consultation, call 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to Let us help you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Women and their Money

For everyone that's concerned about with or what i do with my own hard earned money that i physically work for.I have several different work ventures that i invest my time and, money into...

Honestly, most women seem to be classified as Shopaholics without a care in society. I don’t know where that comes from, but have you ever heard of people saying that if you keep repeating it, it will come true?

I think this is one of those cases.
Women are brought up not to love math, science, finance or anything ‘hard’. Think of those Barbie dolls of the past where you pull the string and she squeals: “Math class is tough *giggle*!!”

Personal finance definitely deals with numbers and math, but what I want everyone to know is that the math that is involved is actually very simple to begin with.
You don’t need complex formulas or need to know anything about derivations or calculus. You just need to be able to add, subtract, divide and multiply, but that’s another blog post for another day.
But a lot of comments I get from men in particular are:
Women are such shopaholics….

Why the hell do they need all those shoes for?…
Women just aren’t good with money…
I don’t let my wife touch our money, because she’ll just spend it all on accessories and clothes…
I’m better at dealing with money than my girlfriend or Wife.
And the sad thing, is that they’re generally right.
Then I shoot back at them So what? She doesn’t read about finance and doesn’t know what a debt-to-assets ratio is but you could teach her!…

A lot of my girlfriends (I’d say a good majority) don’t have retirement funds, they don’t have savings, they don’t have emergency funds and they could not tell you the first thing about drawing up a budget.
I am desperately trying to change that, but I don’t want to be known as the PF Nag or the PF Nazi. But I really care that they learn how to be financially independent and not depend on their current husbands and boyfriends.

I also have those kind of quirky friends who save a lot of money because they don’t spend as much as they used to, but then they either just let the money sit there, languishing in a pitiful savings account bringing them 1% interest, or are just paralyzed when they hear you talk about retirement, investing or anything to do with so-called ‘high finance’.

They’re the easiest to work with from my perspective because they already save, but they just need the knowledge, and the tools to put the money in the right spots, and not squander it on stocks like Lululemon or UGG that they think are fun without understanding what the stock really means and/or how to read financial statements from those companies.
I am a total advocate for buying stocks you believe in and purchase from, on a regular basis but before you buy on emotion, read the financial statements in detail to look and see if the stock has a future and value. The stocks that don’t seem to have a long-term potential, will take your money and fold if you just follow trends.

Again, another post for another day….
But moving on, a lot of men in general (colleagues, friends, family members) always express total amazement at my (what I think to be basic) knowledge of investing and budgeting. They can’t believe that I don’t spend everything I earn on a pair of shiny shoes the minute I get the cash.Will sometimes i do:))
They are practically drooling with envy when I talk about saving for retirement, emergencies and general savings because I’ve thought about all of this thoroughly, but am willing to ask for advice and to listen to them.
They can’t understand that I’d willingly buy a biography on Warren Buffett (The Making of an American Capitalist) and claim it to be an AMAZING book that taught me more about investing just from what he does.
All of them think that just because I’m into Sex and the City, fashion and all that kind of girly stuff, that I could not be interested in finance as well.

Total crock.
However, from my past dealings and impressions from people, I feel like there are many general profiles that I hear about all the time.

Profile 1: Shopaholics without a care
These are the women who are shopaholics who know nothing about their finances and couldn’t care less. These women just seem to KNOW that there’s a Prince Charming around the corner to bail them out (or their family will do it).

Profile 2: Worried Shopaholics
These are the women who are shopaholics, but are aware that they have a problem, but are afraid of confronting it and don’t know where to begin. These women are generally trying to look for Prince Charming to bail them out, but don’t actually have one in mind and feel like they’re on a treadmill they can’t get out of.

Profile 3: Paycheck to Paycheck
These are the women who aren’t shopaholics but still feel like they’re living paycheck to paycheck. They’d like to get control of their finances, but are overwhelmed and too busy to know where to begin.

Profile 4: Savvy, but investment shy.
These are the women who aren’t shopaholics and are in control of their finances, but feel like they don’t know enough (especially about investing), and they leave that to their partners. They’d like to start, but are afraid that all the acronyms and ‘math’ things are over their head.

Profile 5: Finances under control
These are the women who are in control of their finances, and have a good understanding of the basics of investing, and are comfortable with talking a little bit about it.
Honestly, which profile do you fall into?
My dream is to have every woman as the last profile #5 – to be comfortable with the words “finance”, “budget”, “money” and to be able to talk openly and confidently about it. They are the women IN CONTROL (of their finances), even if their love life is crap, their career is dubious, and/or something else is wrong in their life.

They have emergency funds, they have savings, and know enough about basic investing to live on their own comfortably without ever imagining a Prince Charming is going to come along and poof their money troubles away.
I also tell a lot of my friends and everyone here that I DO NOT advocate beating yourself up or calling yourself stupid for getting into debt.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Young Professionals-Business Women Creating Alliances

Young Professionals-Business Women Creating Alliances
YPBA's next charity event to be held at the Centrum Plaza Saturday, July 16th! If you are a small business owner and would like to take part in this, or future YPBA events - please call (214) 310.5274 for more information

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fears Nachawati-Natural Gas Industry Booming--But in the Northeast?

Natural Gas Industry Booming--But in the Northeast?

Times are good for natural gas producers. Although high fuel costs hurt consumers, they’re good for suppliers. Traditionally, high natural gas prices have been particularly good news for Gulf Coast states like Texas and Louisiana and particularly bad news for the northeast. This time, however, things are a little different.

The recent discovery of the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia is good news for the east coast. The Marcellus Shale is rich in ethylene, a key ingredient in plastics, and close to markets like New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. Because of its proximity to plastics manufacturers, costs to consumer will be cheaper. Also, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and other “Shale states” will benefit from the additional tax revenue flowing from natural gas extraction. Local economies will boom, too, thanks to the estimated 10,000 new, “Shale jobs.”

There’s just one catch: natural gas production can be dangerous. Every year hundreds of workers and thousands of residents are injured as a result of natural gas leaks and explosions. If you or a loved one leave Texas to work the Marcellus Shale, you should know about the risks of natural gas – and, in particular, ethylene – cracking. Talk to the experts at Fears | Nachawati to learn everything you need to know about the law governing occupational injuries. Call 1.866.705.7584 or email

Friday, July 8, 2011

San Antonio Stabbing victim pursues Criminal and Civil Actions

San Antonio Stabbing Victim Pursues Criminal and Civil Actions

In the early morning hours last Saturday a resident of a South Side apartment building in San Antonio, Texas, was stabbed repeatedly in the torso. The bad news is that the unidentified victim in his 40s faces potentially life-threatening injuries. The good news is that he was taken to University Hospital and is now under careful medical observation.

Stabbings happen all to often in Texas, as many residents know. What many crime victims don’t know, however, is that violent crime, such as a stabbing or shooting, give rise not only to a criminal cause of action pursued by law enforcement, but also a civil cause of action that victims may pursue to recovery monetarily. In some cases, civil damage awards can exceed a million dollars!

If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a violent act, you need to speak not only to local police, but also to personal injury experts at Fears | Nachawati. Our experience and expertise can provide you and your loved ones with the justice you want! For a free consultation, call 1.866.705.7584 or email

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

Earlier this evening, a Texas Rangers fan died while reaching for a ball near the left field fence. The incident happened in the second inning when Josh Hamilton tossed a ball into the stands. The man, losing his balance while reaching for the ball, fell 20-feet, dying as a result of the fall. Tragic accidents like this happen every day. If you're injured in an accident, talk to our injury experts. We can help!
A fan attending the Texas Rangers game has fallen out of the stands behind the left-field wall.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

FDIC regulators announced today that they will investigate more than 150 home loan-related lawsuits. This investigation further suggests what many homeowners and borrowers have suspected for some time: major lenders engaged in faulty business practices relating to home mortgages. Is your mortgage provider breathing down your neck? The FN experts may be able to help you!
WASHINGTON -- Federal bank regulators are scrutinizing more than 150 home loan-related lawsuits directed at lenders and mortgage companies, a top official at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation plans to say Thursday, underscoring the threat the largest U.S. banks face from faulty to, improper

Fears Nachawati Law Firm-Judge Rejects L'Oreal Bid to kick Hair serum suit.

Fears | Nachawati Law Firm Partner, Majed Nachawati, quoted in Law 360 Press Release concerning Loreal Class Action - Judge Rejects L'Oreal Bid To Kick Hair Serum Suit.
Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

San Antonio Stabbing victim pursues Criminal and Civil Actions

San Antonio Stabbing Victim Pursues Criminal and Civil Actions

In the early morning hours last Saturday a resident of a South Side apartment building in San Antonio, Texas, was stabbed repeatedly in the torso. The bad news is that the unidentified victim in his 40s faces potentially life-threatening injuries. The good news is that he was taken to University Hospital and is now under careful medical observation.

Stabbings happen all to often in Texas, as many residents know. What many crime victims don’t know, however, is that violent crime, such as a stabbing or shooting, give rise not only to a criminal cause of action pursued by law enforcement, but also a civil cause of action that victims may pursue to recovery monetarily. In some cases, civil damage awards can exceed a million dollars!

If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a violent act, you need to speak not only to local police, but also to personal injury experts at Fears | Nachawati. Our experience and expertise can provide you and your loved ones with the justice you want! For a free consultation, call 1.866.705.7584 or email

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

About:But even if your personal injury was due to someone else's negligence, it might be difficult to know how to take action. With flashes of the accident lingering in your memory, and with the physical impacts of your injury still holding you back, it is often hard to pick up the pieces, find the help you need, and seek the justice that you deserve. At Fears | Nachawati, we have the ability to help you find peace with your personal injury. Not only are we dedicated to fighting for the justice you deserve, but we have the experience, knowledge and skills to pursue your case to the fullest extent of the law and bring justice and peace to you and your family. We are dependable, formidable, reputable, knowledgeable and accountable. While your head may still be spinning from the consequences of your accident and injury due to another person's or a company's negligence, we have the ability to take control of the situation and steer you toward a fair and honest resolution. In your difficult time, we pride ourselves on being available, trustworthy, and effective. Serving the people of Texas with offices in Austin, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, and San Antonio, Fears | Nachawati will fight for your rights in automobile accidents, 18-wheeler truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents. We handle wrongful death cases as well as spinal cord and brain injuries. Accidents happen. Even if you take all available precautions, the vast majority of Americans will be involved in a car accident during their lifetime. Whether you are driving your daughter to her softball practice on I-30 when you are struck by a drunk driver or whether you are making your way home after work on I-680 when you are hit by a large truck, sometimes there is little you can do to protect you and your family from the negligence of others. In Texas alone in 2006, there were almost 7,000 large truck and bus accidents that resulted in injury. Across the country in 2006, there were over 38,000 fatal crashes. At our firm, we see past these overwhelming statistics and devote ourselves to the faces and personal stories behind each and every accident. Enduring a personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one can overwhelm you with confusion, anger, stress, and depression, and uncertainty. At Fears | Nachawati, our job is to lift the burden of your accident off of your shoulders and act as your advocate. We want to hold those responsible for your personal injury accountable for what they've done. Contingency Fee Representation and Free Consultations At Fears | Nachawati, we understand that in the aftermath of your serious injury, you may not only be struggling financially, but also extremely unsure of your family's financial security in the future. Because of this, we take on personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we will pay the costs of litigation because have confidence in our skills and in your case. In the end, our attorney fee will come from the
Hours:Open 24 Hours - 24 Hour Live Website Client Support
Categories:Sexual Harassment Lawyers, Accident Lawyers, Workers' Compensation Lawyers, Product Liability Lawyers, Personal Injury Lawyers
Payment: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Debit Cards, Check
Specialities: Free Consultation
Brands: personal injury attorney, personal injury law firm, personal injury lawyer, personal injury dallas, dallas personal injury attorneys, dallas personal injurys law firms, dallas personal injury, auto accident attorney, auto accident attorneys, auto accident attorney dallas, dallas auto accident law firm, dallas auto accident lawyers, dallas 18 wheeler attorney, dallas 18 wheeler attorneys, dallas 18 wheeler accident law firm, dallas 18 wheeler accident lawyers, car accident attorney, car accident
Products and Services: personal injury attorney, personal injury law firm, personal injury lawyer, personal injury dallas, dallas personal injury attorneys, dallas personal injurys law firms, dallas personal injury, auto accident attorney, auto accident attorneys, auto accident attorney dallas, dallas auto accident law firm, dallas auto accident lawyers, dallas 18 wheeler attorney, dallas 18 wheeler attorneys, dallas 18 wheeler accident law firm, dallas 18 wheeler accident lawyers, car accident attorney, car accident
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish,Arabic,Hebrew,Urdu
Year Established: 1990
Other Contact Info: Email:

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

FDA issues to Pfizer a warning that Chantix causes an increased risk of Heart Attack. If you want additional information concerning this legal development, please contact Majed Nachawati at 1.866.705.7584.
From time to time, we will send you e-mail announcements on new features and special offers from The Wall Street Journal Online.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

Houston bombero cae 40 pies a su muerte
Fin de semana pasado, Steven McShan, un bombero de Houston 24 años de edad, intentó subir desde un segundo piso al balcón tercer piso donde jugaban varios niños. Como McShan fue tirando a sí mismo, la baranda que estaba sosteniendo en dio paso. McShan no pudo recuperar su control en el tercer piso o su pie en la segunda y, trágicamente, cayó 40 pies hasta su muerte.

Los bomberos enfrentan peligros cada día en el cumplimiento del deber. Si lucha contra incendios o ayudar a los niños, con frecuencia se encuentran los riesgos y lesiones – que son únicas. Esos riesgos inusuales incluyen nociva por inhalación de humo, calor hirviendo y productos peligrosos, tales como barandillas sueltos. Si dispone de un ser querido que trabaja en el departamento de bomberos, asegúrese de que hablar a un experto médico y legal si están lesionados. Hablar con los expertos en la ley que rige las lesiones relacionadas con el bombero, póngase en contacto con el equipo de especialistas en temores | Nachawati. Para una consulta gratuita, llame a 1. 866. 705. 7584 o correo electrónico.

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

رجال الإطفاء هيوستن يقع 40 قدما إلى وفاته
في نهاية الأسبوع الماضي، ستيفن ماكشان، إطفاء هيوستن-يبلغ من العمر 24 عاماً، حاول أن يقفز من طابق الثاني على شرفة الطابق ثالث حيث كانوا يلعبون العديد من الأطفال. كما تم سحب ماكشان نفسه، أعطت حديدي كان يحملها على الطريق. ماكشان لم يكن قادراً على استعادة قبضته على الطابق الثالث أو موطئ قدم له في الثانية، ومأساوي، سقط 40 قدما إلى وفاته.

رجال الإطفاء تواجه مخاطر كل يوم في أدائهم لواجبهم. ما إذا كان القتال حرائق أو مساعدة الأطفال، كثيرا ما يواجهون المخاطر – والإصابات – التي فريدة من نوعها. وتشمل تلك المخاطر غير عادية الضارة من جراء استنشاق الدخان والحرارة الحارق والمنتجات الخطرة، مثل بالسﻻسل السور فضفاضة. إذا كان لديك تحدث مع الخبراء في القانون الذي يحكم الإصابات المتعلقة برجال الإطفاء، اتصل بفريق المتخصصين في مخاوف | ناتشاواتي. استشارة أحد أفراد أسرته مجانية، استدعاء 1-866-705. 7584 أو البريد الإلكتروني.الذي يعمل في إدارة الإطفاء، تأكد من أن يتحدثون إلى خبير الطبية والقانونية إذا ما كنت أصيب. ل

Fears Nachawati Law Firm

Houston Firefighter Falls 40 Feet to His Death

Last weekend, Steven McShan, a 24-year-old Houston firefighter, attempted to climb from a second floor to a third floor balcony where several children were playing. As McShan was pulling himself up, the railing he was holding onto gave way. McShan wasn’t able to regain his grip on the third floor or his footing on the second and, tragically, he fell 40 feet to his death.

Firefighters face dangers every day in the line of duty. Whether fighting fires or helping children, they frequently encounter risks – and injuries – that are unique. Those unusual risks include noxious smoke inhalation, scalding heat, and dangerous products, such as loose railings. If you have a loved one who works in the fire department, make sure that they talk to a medical and legal expert if they’re injured. To speak with the experts in the law governing firefighter-related injuries, contact the team of specialists at Fears | Nachawati. For a free consultation, call 1.866.705.7584 or email

Happy 4th Of July Fears Nachawati Law Firm

  • Drink responsibility.
  • Always have a designated driver.
  • Keep children away from the open fire of the barbecue.
  • Never leave the grill unattended.
  • Leave the fireworks to the professionals.
  • Keep a watchful eye on all children in and around swimming pools.
  • Have a designated area for alcoholic beverages so they don't accidently wind up in the hand of children and young adults under the age of 21.
  • Pitch in and offer a helping hand to your host and hostess, they will appreciate the assistance.
  • Don't arrive empty handed; offer to bring a covered dish or dessert to the gathering.
  • Plan some activities the children will enjoy, it is their day to celebrate too and watching their parents have a great time talking just isn't enough to exhaust their energies.
  • Drive safely when returning home.
Have a Happy 4thof July! If you are a loved one are Injured, please contact the Law Firm Of Fears Nachawati 1(866)705-7584

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fears Nachawati law Firm featured in News regarding Apple Class Action

Fears Nachawati Law Firm
Majed Nachawati featured in news regarding Apple Class Action -
Apple’s secret tracking prompts outrage, lawsuit : Bundle
Apple's secret tracking on the iPad
...Apple’s secret tracking prompts outrage, lawsuit : Bundle
Apple's secret tracking on the iPad
See More
Apple's secret tracking on the iPad

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Celebrity Helicopters L.A.


Fears Nachawati Law Firm Alma Legal Marketer

Blogger Pictures

Jul 1, 2011

Amaury Nolasco Cowboys game!!!


My Gorgeous baby her first time at the beach she loved it

Fears Nachawati Law Firm Alma Legal Marketer

Fears Nachawati Law Firm Alma Legal Marketer


Friday, July 1, 2011

Social Media

Vol. 5 No. 10

It is hard to believe that until a few years ago, a tweet was just the chirping of a bird and making a new friend was a bit more involved than clicking a button. Like much of society, today more and more legal professionals are making use of web based technologies to interact and network online. In fact, according to Nielsen research, social media and blog related activity now accounts for more than 22 percent of all time spent online.

Recognizing this trend and the influence that social media has in our daily lives, the Law Center is working on an integrated strategy to continually improve its communications to students, faculty, alumni, and the legal community through our social media presences on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

If you have not visited our platforms yet, click on the links above and get connected now. You can also use these tools to engage in discussions with peers and to share your news with us.

On a personal note, I want to extend a big thanks to UHLC alum Benjamin Sanchez for the great job he did to get our LinkedIn group started. I encourage others to please continue to share your ideas as we strive to build even broader and more active online communities.

I am proud, although a little nervous, to be ushering in another new era in how we interact with you and with the broader community!

Fears Nachawati law Firm

رقائق البطاطس: أكبر قضية السمنة مما قد يعتقد
تقارير "إدارة ولاية تكساس لخدمات الصحة الدولة" أن ثلثي البالغين تكساس زيادة الوزن أو السمنة. وتزداد المشكلة سوءا. الاتجاهات الحالية تشير إلى أن 75 في المائة بالغين تكساس السمنة بحلول عام 2040. الاتجاهات السمنة قاسية بوجه خاص للأقليات، بنسبة 75 في المائة من الأمريكيين من أصل أفريقي و 71 في المائة من أصل إسباني زيادة الوزن أو السمنة.
ما هو السبب في النمو؟ وفقا لدراسة جديدة في "دورية نيو إنجلاند الطبية"، أكثر من أي شيء آخر، من شرائح البطاطس. دراسة النظام الغذائي ونمط الحياة لأكثر من 120 ألف شخص على مدى عقدين، وجد الباحثون أن المشاركين المكتسبة في المتوسط 17 مليون جنيه خلال فترة عشرين سنة. وجدوا أن كل خدمة أوقية واحدة (160 من السعرات الحرارية من رقائق تقريبا 15) أدى إلى زيادة 1.69 رطل. مقارنة بالعاملين من الحلويات (0.41 مليون جنيه)، مدمنا شرب (0.41 جنيه) أو ساعة واحدة مشاهدة التلفزيون (زيادة 0.31 رطل)، شرائح البطاطس وبعيده وكان أكبر مساهم أمتنا تزايد حجم حزام متوسط.
وبطبيعة الحال، كنت أعلم ربما أن رقائق البطاطس كانت سيئة بالنسبة لك، ولكن هل تعلم أن كانت خطورة هذا؟ وقد تكهنت بعض الخبراء أن شركات رقائق البطاطس ينبغي أن تكون مسؤولة أكثر المخاطر الصحية التي تفرض على المنتجات. وكان شركات السجائر للتحذير من إخطار ناتجها لسنوات. لقد كان عليهم أن تثقيف الجمهور، أيضا. وعلى سبيل المقارنة، حصلت الشركات شرائح البطاطس سكوتفري-وبينما تكتسب مجتمعنا تقريبا جنيه في السنة!
هل كنت النضال بإفراط، زيادة الوزن أو السمنة؟ وقد أثرت الصحة ونوعية الحياة الخاصة بك؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، التحدث إلى خبراء الضرر الشخصي في مخاوف | ناتشاواتي. لقد حان الوقت للقتال؛ لقد حان الوقت للنضال من أجل صحتك! استدعاء في 1-866-705. 7584 أو إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى دعونا نعود إلى العمل بالنسبة لك!

Did Abortion Clinic Inflict Emotional Distress on Patients?

Did Abortion Clinic Inflict Emotional Distress on Patients?

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) concluded recently that Whole Women’s Health of Austin, a health clinic in North Austin, improperly disposed of aborted fetuses. Whole Women’s Health of Austin sent fetuses along with other medical waste for steam disinfection and then on to a landfill. Under Texas state law, steam disinfection is an approved treatment method if followed by internment. State law prohibits the disposal of human body parts, fetuses or products of abortion from being disposed in a landfill.

Whole Women’s Health of Austin faces stiff penalties from the TCEQ. Experts are asking, however, whether the patients have a cause of action against the clinic. For many, knowing that their aborted child is in a landfill somewhere in the Texas hill country is an understandably disturbing thought. Should Whole Women’s Health of Austin be held accountable for that distress?

Has a health provider, doctor, or health clinic injured you? What kind of injuries “count” under the law and what should you do? Take your first step today by contacting Fears | Nachawati. Call 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to We can help!